A Tribute to a Dear Friend

islam quranandme Oct 02, 2024

In a constantly changing world filled with uncertainty, finding someone sincerely, supportive and true can feel like discovering a rare gem. Sister Risikat Sadiq was one such friend, a constant source of light, sincerity, and unwavering support.

From the moment our paths crossed, her kindness was evident in every word, every gesture, and every laugh we shared. She was the friend who stayed by my side through thick and thin, offering a steady hand and a comforting shoulder when life felt overwhelming. She was never there out of obligation but because she genuinely cared. Knowing her loyalty, and experiencing her kindness firsthand, has been a gift that words can hardly capture.

It wasn’t just the big moments that made her special; it was the little things. The way she listened when I needed to talk—even when I didn’t make sense. How she celebrated my successes as if they were her own. We would share laughter over the most random of things, and our conversations ran deep, free of negativity or complaint. She never had time for gossip or backbiting—her focus was always on the positive, on the good.

For a decade, we journeyed together, and she played an essential role in setting up Paradise Pearls. Her encouragement, wisdom, and the strength of her faith inspired me. Her unwavering belief in Allah and her constant reminder to think positively of Him were lessons I carry with me still.

To live a life grounded in faith, centred on the remembrance of Allah and the reflection of the Qur’an, is a mark of someone truly special. And that is how she completed her journey in this world—surrounded by those who remember Allah, consistent in her faith, a sign of His acceptance.

Her passing away brings with it profound lessons for those of us who remain. Death is the ultimate reminder of the fleeting nature of this world and the importance of living with purpose and faith.

As we navigate life, it is easy to become distracted by trivial pursuits. We often find ourselves caught up in the rush of daily routines, worries, and concerns, forgetting that our time here is limited. Sister Risikat reminded us through her actions that life is best lived with sincerity, kindness, and a steadfast commitment to our faith. In her, I saw a life devoted to pleasing Allah, grounded in acts of worship, and free from unnecessary distractions.

The Qur'an reminds us:

"Verily, those who say: 'Our Lord is (only) Allah,' and thereafter stand firm (Istaqamu), on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. Such shall be the dwellers of Paradise, abiding therein (forever), a reward for what they used to do."

Risikat’s passing teaches us to reflect on our own lives. Are we living in a way that prepares us for the inevitable? Are we focused on what truly matters—our relationship with Allah, our deeds, and the legacy we leave behind?

Death is not a distant reality; it is a transition that could come at any moment. Yet, for those who live their lives in dedication to their Creator, it is not something to fear but a meeting with their Lord. The ultimate success lies in being prepared for that moment, with good deeds and a heart full of faith.

May Allah accept Risikat Sadiq with a beautiful acceptance, grant her the companionship of the Qur’an, and admit her into the highest ranks of Jannah. May He also be sufficient for her family in their time of grief. Ameen.

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